Artist Statement
As I move through my days I constantly glance at scenes, objects, people, or our surroundings in
general. I take mental or physical snapshots of glimpses of what I see and paint it.
As a result, I want my paintings to make you pause and acknowledge pleasure
and beauty in the common, everyday scenes we observe.
The vibrant colors of watercolor and gouache enhance the subject matter and allow for the exploration of
two areas of art that fascinate me; the power of light and the visual relationship between colors.
I paint what I see, but like to pay attention to what surrounds the main object
rather than the object itself. In my paintings you can see this, for example, in Reflections, the glowing sky
and reflections on the ice are what I focus on more than the wooded scenery. Shadows are also
integral to my paintings, as demonstrated in Storing Boats at Third Beach and The Shadow.
I admire many artists. I’ve especially been influenced by: American Artist, Joseph Raffael’s ability to paint
beautiful, crisp, translucent watercolors; Winslow Homer’s vivid watercolors with sharp value
contrasts; and Jean Grastorf’s ability to let the paint create along with her by using a unique pouring watercolor technique.
I love to paint a fleeting moment easily missed because of our busy days. View my
paintings and enjoy that moment.